Shenzhen City in China Goes Into Quarantine
Burc Oran
March 14, 2022
China quarantined

Shenzhen, one of the most important cities in China, goes into quarantine.

The rise in coronavirus cases in China led to quarantine decisions. With the daily cases almost doubling in the country, the number of cases rose to 3,400, and a quarantine decision was made for Shenzhen, one of the most important cities in the country.

Public transport will be closed and all activities in non-vital sectors will cease. The city, where 17.5 million people live, stands out as a center in technology. The city has the headquarters of iPhone maker Foxconn and Chinese technology company Huawei.

After the quarantine decision, Foxconn decided to stop its production in this region. The company said in its statement that they will reduce the impact of supply disruptions by shifting production to other facilities.

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