Evergrande Got Back to Work
Burc Oran
December 27, 2021
Evergrande Stocks and Bonds Rise Sharply

Chinese real estate giant Evergrande recovered from the debt crisis and started to focus on projects it could not complete.

The Chinese real estate company Evergrande, which has come to the top of the agenda of the global markets with the debt crisis it has been through, is starting to work again in the projects it could not complete.

The company announced on Sunday evening that 92 percent of its projects had been restarted. At the beginning of September, this rate was around 50 percent. According to the statement, the number of employees in the restarted projects increased by 31 percent compared to September and was recorded as 89 thousand.

Hui Ka Yan, Chairman of the Board of Evergrande, said, “The better we do in the reboot process, the more we will be able to deliver customers’ homes, restart sales and pay off debts.”

The company, which is in a debt crisis of approximately 300 billion dollars, has been on the agenda for a long time with its debt payments to investors.

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